Wednesday, August 26, 2009


a smile: something that makes the world a better place.
modesty: tight enough to show you're a woman, loose enough to show you're a lady.
being happy: maybe everything isn't perfect- but you have chosen to see beyond the imperfections.
you: the living expression of God's kindness (how are you doing?)
love: not a fight, but something worth fighting for.
happy endings: God's specialty
beauty: the outward expression of what is in your heart; a God centered life.
life: only what's done for Christ lasts.
courage: not the absence of fear, but the determination that something else is more important than fear.
friends: people who accept us for who we are yet help us to be who we should.
fashion: a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to change it every six months.
confidence: the ability to admit when you've screwed up.

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