Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Jonny Diaz 'A More Beautiful You'

This is such an important song for both guys and girls to hear.

Girls... we often feel so overwhelmed by the desire to be beautiful, that we don't realize that in God's eyes we already are! Even if you are very secure in yourself and are resting in God's love for you, this is a beautiful song. (thank you to my friend for passing it along to me!)

Guys... For the most part you can't begin to understand the struggles that girls go through... even the most self-assured, beautiful girl you know will have tons of days of looking into the mirror feeling that she doesn't measure up. Please.. tell the girls in your life that they are pretty and worth so much in God's sight. If you don't want to do this for reasons of not wanting to seem like you 'like' that girl, at the very least... don't tease her about her appearance. That can be so devastating, though she will probably never let you know.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Little girl fourteen . . . " My mom posted the first verse on my cousin's Wall on her fourteenth birthday not long ago.
