Yesterday I went down to the creek and dug up a bluebell to plant near the house. (photo from freestockphotos.com) I walked by the shed where I had planted it a few hours later, and much to my dismay, noticed that it was drooping and looked like it was wilting. I called mom and managed to completely scare her ( "is everything all right?" "sort of, but I think its dead" "WHAT'S dead??")She told me that bluebells are extremely difficult to transplant, and did I think I had gotten all of its taproot? I had no idea, but by this point was pretty sure I had killed it. I went and cut two of the flowers off and cut a few other flowers and made a small bouquet in a vase on the table. We might as well enjoy it for a little while anyway! Later, while doing some chores outside, I walked past and noted that it looked a lot perkier, though the one remaining flower was still laying over. By this morning, however, it was standing up and looking quite healthy. What had helped it was having to put less energy into those big beautiful flowers.
Lately I've been thinking about how dreadfully busy everyone is. Everyone seems to be in a huge hurry, always going, always doing, and very seldom taking time to ask questions like, "why?", "Is this important?", "is this really the best use of my time?", etc,etc. I'm going to be a junior in high school this fall, and in spite of being homeschooled, the busyness is getting worse and worse. There are so many expectations, some by me, some by my parents, and some by well-meaning aquaintances.
That bluebell was the perfect example to me of why I need to slow down and take a careful look at who I am, where I am, what I want to be, what my parents think are important, and most of all, who God wants me to be. It was only after it was cut back that the bluebell began to thrive. Maybe it would be a good idea to be careful of what gets my energy. It is surely better to grow strong and healthy with potential for many seasons of beautiful flowers than to try to do it all at once and only end up withering and fading away after a short time.
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